So you found my little corner of the web huh?? Well glad to see you here! I find refuge and solace in painting very cool miniatures!
I hope you like what you see, if you do like what you see then feel free to email me and let me know. I would love to hear
from you.....
On this page, I hope to not only show you my painted mini's but also show how I better my own painting techniques, and perhaps
even how you can better your own. If I figure out this crazy hobby first that is!
9/06/01 Well again, I have finally found time to not just paint but to take some pictures! I have added to both the
Khorne and Chronopia sections, even got a picture of something new I am working on. Let me know what you think, I hope you
6/25/01 Well I have been able to maintain some painting and even had time to take some pictures. I hope you like some
of the new figures, they are kinda all over, some Fantasy, a couple Blood Bowl and even a few Necromunda.